Thursday, October 13, 2011

AI/COM linkage

This morning I've been working on linking up the AI and COM stuff to actually be useful in the game. There is a "stock" default AI in there called Punchbag which has a learning speed of 0 and knows nothing. We can use this AI to beat up like a punching bag and it will never retaliate.

New AIs can now be created from inside the game and used. They will learn in Training mode but not in Quick Fight (that's just a fight, not a learning session.) COM difficulty goes from Beginner to Expert and actually sets the COM's personality. That isn't extensively used in the code yet so the appearance is minimal for now, but the values are there as actual personality structured information instead of quickly hacked debug ones.

I am going to do more AI/COM work when I get a big block of time to work on it. I don't want to sort of start to get into it then have to rush off since I want to focus on it so that I can get things working properly and effectively. It's not a quick 10 minute job to add new features to the AI like it is for UI, so for the rest of this morning, the next few hours, I'll be doing odds and ends to get the game's polish up.

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