Sunday, July 24, 2011

Holiday work

My work on the project has been mostly organisational during the holidays. I have been organising the project direction and holding meetings and discussions. Due to a multitude of other commitments and unforeseen circumstances, I haven't been able to work much on the Character editor but at this stage it is not slowing down any other aspect of the project, so we should still be able to move on at full speed.
My timetable for this session is looking fairly good, with one lecture/lab conflict (unfortunately.) We'll be having in-person meetings and work days very soon.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6/7/2011 Google Wave Meeting

Today we had a brief meeting on Google Wave discussing our plans and project progress. Vince was absent but since it is all recorded there he can easily catch up. We've just confirmed all our project duties and roles and are getting back into gear to get this show back on the road.