Last night I polished up our functional requirements as per the evaluation we did in the meeting on 30th March. I have passed it around to the group to hear their opinions of it. I have a feeling we'll all pretty much be in agreement about them since we came up with most of them as a group. So with the new knowledge of our project's functional requirements, I updated the project's timeline to include a draft outline for session 2. Session 2 includes a lot of implementation, planning and heavy development of the project, as expected.
In session 2's timeline, I have planned to have everything complete and wrapped up by about Week 11 (to give us an extra bit of leeway if necessary) however this may require us to get a bit of a head start on the project during the mid-session recess (which is probably a good idea nonetheless) so that we're not pushed too far when the deadline draws nearer as these things generally take longer than expected.
You can read the current timeline
here (PDF, 61 KB) Please note that this file will be kept current as per the updated timeline and may or may not reflect the post above depending on how far in the future you are reading this. Items in green are newly added/modified.